Blockchain Technology + W3C DID standard compatible solution for identification
ZKP, zero knowledge proof, and VC, verifiable Credential
Undeniable for the records
on the chain
Help to build a non-modifiable identification mechanism BaaSid Pistis DID identification is suitable for all kind of privact protection, 3rd party verification on the basis of blockchain. It helps to protect from identificaiton to data security.
Pistis DID Solution

Compatible with W3C international Standard

符合W3C 國際組織 DID的全球標準規範,採用基於區塊鏈「HyperLedger Fabric」技術與DID技術的可靠系統架構。
Pistis DID Identity Authorization

Pistis DID Solution

Applied Scanario
▼Telemedicine Application

▼Vaccination Assitance Solution

▼DID vaccine passport example